CBD is from a Hemp plant that has natural sources to help clients with anxiety, sleeping, pain, improved immune system, and getting the body back in balance.
Most of the time doctors will prescribe some pretty harsh medications for these conditions, that have massive side effects and honestly do not have the same results as high quality CBD products.
Summer started CBD House of Healing and is a Registered Nurse with a background in CVICU and patient education.
Check out this podcast to learn more on why she got started in the CBD business, how the products have helped her anxiety and how not all products are the same. As well as what CBD can help with and why.
Plus you will want to learn more on their slushies.. People will grab one of those instead of having a glass of alcohol to calm them down after a busy day.. This is a much more natural way to relax after a crazy busy day.
Want to learn more about CBD House of Healing?
Check out this Podcast to learn more Or reach out to them at info@cbddallas.com or call them at 214-628-8868. You can also reach them by going to their website at www.CBDdallas.com
We are planning on doing an event with them on How CBD can help with Back pain or really any pain and how to get to the source of the problem. If you are interested in signing up for this event or you want the recording please reach out at info@mpower-pt.com and ask about the CBD event and we can hook you up! You can also check out lots of education on our YouTube Channel “mpower physical therapy”
Be sure to subscribe to the show AND please leave us a review. We would love to know how this show is impacting you. To get your questions answered by Stefani Crowley– Leave your questions for mPower Your Life here: https://www.mpower-pt.com/PT-question
For other information like free back, neck and knee ebooks and other education visit our clinic website here: www.mpower-pt.com