Shockwave Therapy
What Is IT and HOW can it HELP?
At mPower Physical Therapy we are always looking for the best ways to help our clients avoid surgery, medications, and injections all the while being able to LIVE their best life. Most of the time our client have tried 7-9 other healthcare providers before coming to see us.
We are dedicated to offer our patients the latest and most advanced evidence-based treatment options for the musculoskeletal system. As part of this dedication, we proudly offer EPAT, an advanced non-invasive treatment option for a broad range of orthopedic injuries and conditions.
EPAT Therapy is also known at Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT)
We proudly offer this non-invasive treatment method from STORZ Medical and CuraMedix to provide relief to provide relief for patients who are suffering from acute or chronic pain, soft tissue injuries, or another type of injury or condition of the musculoskeletal system.
What is Extracorporeal Pulse Activation Technology?
Extracorporeal Pulse Activation Technology, or EPAT, is a form of extracorporeal shock wave therapy. It is the most advanced and highly effective non-invasive treatment method cleared by the FDA. It is an evidence-based technology platform that utilizes a unique set of proprietary acoustic pressure waves to stimulate the metabolism, enhance blood circulation, and accelerate the healing process. Damaged tissue gradually regenerates and eventually heals.
What Are The Benefits Of EPAT?
An alternative to traditional treatment methods, such as surgery, EPAT improves the regenerative potential instead of further damaging an area that has degenerated, scarred down or created calcifications due to poor blood flow, weakness, or a tissue or overuse injury. EPAT has a proven success rate that is equal to or greater than that of the traditional treatment methods, but it doesn’t have the risks, complications, or lengthy recovery times that are associated with those methods.
When EPAT is performed by a qualified healthcare professional, like one of our physical therapy clinicians, it provides patients experiencing acute or chronic musculoskeletal pain with a multitude of benefits.
Those who receive EPAT in combination with other treatment techniques and exercises in physical therapy see even better and faster results.
In addition to providing pain relief or pain reduction, EPAT does the following:
- Accelerates the healing process
- Improves blood flow and circulation
- Restores mobility
- Stimulates the metabolism for tissue regeneration
- Treats the source of the pain or injury
Other Benefits:
- 91% success rate (as per clinical studies)
- Non-invasive
- No anesthesia
- No risk of infection
- No scarring
- No downtime
- Over 80% patient satisfaction
- Faster, easier healing
Is EPAT Safe?
EPAT is an FDA-cleared technology that when performed by a qualified healthcare professional, such as one of our physical therapy clinicians, has virtually no side effects or risks, including no risk of infection or scarring. This technology has undergone extensive clinical studies and tests to confirm its safety and efficacy and is currently used all around the world.
What Is An EPAT Treatment Session Like?
Application of EPAT is quick and usually only takes up to 10-15 minutes. However, the length can vary depending on what injury or condition of the musculoskeletal system is being treated.
During the treatment process, one of our clinicians will apply a coupling gel to the skin of the area being treated. After the gel is applied, a handheld applicator will be used to release EPAT pressure waves over the area of pain and surrounding tissues.
The pulses will slowly increase until the desired level is reached. EPAT does not require anesthesia and is generally well-tolerated.
After the session, patients are able to bear weight immediately as well as return to their normal activities within 24 – 48 hours.
Patients will typically have EPAT applied for 3 to 6 treatment sessions 1x per week, but could be more depending on their injury or condition. The beneficial effects of EPAT are often experienced after three treatments. However, it can vary between patients. Some patients may experience immediate pain relief while others may take up to four weeks to begin to feel relief.
What Are The Advantages Of Shockwaves And Biologic Effects Of EPAT?
- Cell Membrane Permeability Temporarily Increases (Leading to Reduced Swelling/Inflammation)
- Lipase Activation
- Modification of the Volume and the Shape of the Fat Cells
- Fat and Adiposity Reduction
- Relaxation of Reticular Fibers
- Improvement of Substance Exchanges Between the Cells and Surrounding Environment
- Improvement of the Cell Waste Elimination by the Lymphatic System
- Improvement of Cell Turnover
- Lipase Activation
- Modification of the Volume and the Shape of the Fat Cells
- Fat and Adiposity Reduction
- Relaxation of Reticular Fibers
- Improvement of Substance Exchanges Between the Cells and Surrounding Environment
- Improvement of the Cell Waste Elimination by the Lymphatic System
- Improvement of Cell Turnover

Is EPAT Right For You?
EPAT is designed to treat a wide variety of conditions. Over 80% of patients treated with EPAT report to be pain-free or have significant pain reduction. EPAT is very effective for treating those who are suffering from chronic or acute pain as well as effective in treating athletes and sports injuries.
The following injuries or conditions generally experience relief with EPAT.
Foot and Ankle Pain
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Achilles Pain
- Posterior Tibial Tendinitis
- Peroneal Tendinitis
- Neuromas
- Shin Splints
Knee Pain
- Patellar Tendinitis (Jumpers/Runner’s Knee)
- Arthritis
- Hamstring Issues
- Quadriceps Issues
- Muscle Pain (Strains, Myofascial Trigger Points)
- Tendon Pain
Neck Pain
Wrist and Hand Pain
- DeQuervain’s Tenosynovitis
- Trigger Finger
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Elbow Pain
- “Tennis Elbow”
- “Golfer’s Elbow”
Hip Pain
- Tendinitis
- Bursitis
Overuse injuries
Shoulder Pain
- Frozen shoulder
- Rotator Cuff Tendinitis
- Biceps Tendinitis
- Calcific Tendinitis
Pain Relief (various conditions)
Stress Fractures
Ligament Sprains
Sports Injuries
And Much More…
Testimonials on Shockwave Therapy
Charlotte had a crazy story of having lots of scarring around her TMJ joint from a previous surgery that went wrong 30 years ago. The dentist could never numb her to do any procedures due to not being able to get through the scarring.
She came into our office, and we immediately said, let’s do Shockwave. She had no symptoms of lack of movement in her jaw, no limitations or pain. But the results from shockwave were so amazing, that she wanted to work on other body parts that she was told she had arthritis and nothing she could do.
So, we shockwave her thumb that was swollen, and her knees… Listen to her story to learn how shockwave got her life back!

Is Arthritis the real source of your knee pain? There are so many different sources of knee pain. Learn what they are and how to combat your knee pain. Most healthcare providers miss looking at all the sources and often only go to the site of the pain. Knee pain often can heal NATURALLY without surgery if you do the right things.
Check out this story from one of our clients who was told they have knee arthritis and did not want to have surgery. She was able to get back to playing tennis and pickleball after months of being in pain and having injections not work!
Check out this Video to hear a patient’s story on how she was helped with physical therapy and shockwave!

When you go down with an injury that you know you have torn your muscle and you no longer want to put much weight on a massive calf injury all your fears of how long will this take come into play. Am I going to be able to play sports again? This client was a firefighter, so how long am I going to be out of work.
In this episode Shannon shares her story of how shockwave after 2 treatments helped her get back to work and work a fire without problems. Anyone that has had a massive calf strain knows that you can not do much after 2 weeks of treatment for something that was this big of an injury. You will not want to miss her story of how she healed in a very quick time using a regenerative type of therapy called shockwave. Check out her story..

If you are about to have Rotator Cuff Surgery and want to avoid it at all cost, then you are going to want to hear this story.
Steven is a client who literally could not raise his shoulder off of body. He could move his elbow but could not move his arm away from his body. That is how bad of an injury he had. But he also did not want to have surgery as that is a 6-7 month to a year process to get back to doing everything he loved such as running, cycling, swimming.
So he came into our office wishing he came months earlier when his shoulder was not as bad. But we started out with an evaluation and gave him some exercise to just get his muscles to fire. After a couple of visits with slow progress, we just got our Non invasive Regenerative therapy at our office called shockwave. We tried the treatment on him and 5 visits later he was moving his shoulder like nothing had happened to it. Check out more of his story..

Check out Hunter’s Story of having Chronic Back Pain as a Collegiate Swimmer. How trying other physical therapy offices was making him worse and not progressing him.
He was feeling like he was not going to be able to swim to his best ability and fearing he was going to have to live with back pain for the rest of his life and he was only 19!
In his story he shares what he tried, how our office looked other sources that could be creating his problem, and how we ended up using shockwave therapy which is a regenerative type of therapy.
He was either going to try shockwave or injections and tried shockwave and within 4 treatments he was back stronger and feeling like he never had back pain before..
Check out his story.. If you are wanting to learn more about Shockwave Therapy and how this Regenerative therapy could help with your chronic or recent pains and injuries to get you feeling your best, FAST..