We also have house call visits for your convenience

From Fear of Falling to Traveling the World – How Pilates Transformed a Client | Episode 27

Check out this story of hope. Yes, she is my mom but she was so fearful that she was not going to be able to travel anymore and she was fearful of getting closer and closer to having to move into a nursing home and being stuck in a rocking chair.. Listen to her story of having issues with not wanting to walk due to fear of falling to now walking every and having more energy than she had 10 years ago. She feels like she reversed the clock and added years to her life


If you live in the Dallas Area and want to learn more on how Pilates and Physical Therapy might help you, we offer FREE Discovery Visits where you can speak to one of our Physical Therapists who specialize in helping you avoid Surgery, Medications or injections and getting you back doing what you love! We often see the patients who have had failed treatments elsewhere but get back to being active by coming to our office. The Discovery Visit is designed to help you make a better decision about your health and for us to see if we can truly help you get back to living your life… But do not delay as we only have a few spots per week that we dedicate to the type of appointments.

Just Click on the link to start the process to get started! bit.ly/2RreZYr