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How I was able to get relief from my Headaches, Neck and Shoulder Pain within Weeks! | Episode 81

Who do you know that has chronic headaches and are looking for a lasting solution? When you get headaches, you will be exhausted. The pain literally takes up the space in your head creating brain fog and only wanting to come home to veg on the couch and do nothing. For you then to go to bed and do it all over again the next day..

You literally are living to just work and not enjoying any time with your family, friends or doing anything fun. You just do not feel good!

This is the story of Bobbi. She heard about us through a newspaper article that we write weekly. She said, OMG I have been hurting for years.. And this may be my solution.

Of course she was skeptical, but she wanted to learn and hear what we had to say.. She was hopeful.. Her husband even asked if after seeing us for a free discovery visit if we were quacks!

She said No I think this may actually work.. I am so hopeful that I might just get my life back..

Check out Bobbi’s Story..

If you are interested in learning more about Neck and Shoulder pain… We have so many other great options to continue your learning.. Or sharing this Podcast with someone who needs to hear this story and get to these amazing resources..

If you would like to speak to one of our specialists to discover more on what you might be
doing wrong, why you are not getting better, the source of your neck and shoulder pain, and
to get all your questions answered, then you want to arrange a FREE Discovery Visit.
Do not delay in arranging your FREE Discovery Visit as we have limited spots each week for
these appointments.

Check out our mPower Physical Therapy YouTube Channel with more great education and
information. Make sure you subscribe, so you can be up to date with all our new videos that
come out! www.youtube.com/channel/UCXPZmbPtiUKa4jbekqg1qSA

If you just want more information and expert advice on neck and shoulder pain so you can
get neck and shoulder pain relief without painkillers, download our FREE Neck and Shoulder
Pain Report. mpower-pt.lpages.co/free-neck-pain-report-blog/

We also have lots of other blogs filled with top tips, and simple advice for Neck and Shoulder
Pain. www.mpower-pt.com/blog/neck-and-shoulder/