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The Top Causes of Back Pain! Why your Back Pain Happens without a Cause | Episode 93

Most of the time someone comes into our office with back pain and we ask what happened? Their answer is I am not sure. I just woke up and it started to hurt. Or I moved slightly wrong and my back tightened up. I am not sure what I did.

It is so common. But in our healthcare system, we never give education as to why the client is getting back pain or what they are doing that is creating their back pain.

This leads people down a frustrated path of having medications, injections and surgery but the pain will still come back..
That is why you need to listen to our next Podcast on the TOP causes of back pain. If you do not understand what you are doing, then your back pain will return. It is one of the best things we do for clients in our physical therapy business. Plus giving them education and a game plan on what they can do to combat their daily postures and positions creating their back pain.

Plus you will learn our next great event happening in a few weeks called 5 Mistakes that Lead to Chronic Recurring Back Pain. These are the top mistakes our clients have made before coming to our office that has led them down years and years of back pain that comes and goes or just eventually stays hurting all the time.

Sign up to our next Virtual Event: 5 Mistakes that Lead to Chronic Recurring Back Pain- link below
If you want to learn about our new online back course – The Blueprint to Unlocking Your Back Pain- This will help you get to the sources of your back pain, or at least understand all the categories and start ruling things in and out to get closer to solving your back pain problems, check out this link below- more courses coming your way on the Evaluation and Treatment options of getting lasting results!

Plus learn about other resources that can help you…Check out below for the links to those same resources discussed in the podcast below to continue your learning and how to relieve back pain without pain medications.

If you would like to speak to one of our specialists to discover more on what you might be
doing wrong, why you are not getting better, the source of your back pain, and
to get all your questions answered, then you want to arrange a FREE Discovery Visit.
Do not delay in arranging your FREE Discovery Visit as we have limited spots each week for
these appointments.

Check out our mPower Physical Therapy YouTube Channel with more great education and
information. Make sure you subscribe, so you can be up to date with all our new videos that come out! www.youtube.com/channel/UCXPZmbPtiUKa4jbekqg1qSA

If you just want more information and expert advice on back pain so you can get back pain relief without painkillers, download our FREE back Pain Report. mpower-pt.lpages.co/free-back-pain-report-blog

We also have lots of other blogs filled with top tips, and simple advice for back Pain. www.mpower-pt.com/blog/back-pain/