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Will Kegel Exercises Help Me Stop Leaking when I cough, sneeze, run or jump? | Episode 46

So many women think Kegel exercises are the go to therapy for the pelvic floor. You might be surprised by the answer.  Check out this podcast to learn more.. 

Millions of women suffer from pelvic floor dysfunction which can lead to urinary and/or bowel incontinence and pelvic pain. Pregnancy, childbirth, chronic constipation, painful sex, chronic coughing, surgery, trauma and aging can cause pelvic floor muscle tension, incoordination and weakness. Physical therapy for women can help!

Women have no clue what a Women’s Health Physical Therapist can do for you! Kayla from Genesis Physical Therapy came on to answer a lot of our questions on how they can help. You are not going to want to miss this podcast. Please share this with anyone who needs to hear this message.

If you would like to get a hold of Genesis Physical Therapy check out their website: https://genesisptwellness.com/

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