Why Am I Always Tired? And 4 Ways To Have More Energy

Why am I always tired? And is it a normal part of aging?

A BIG myth is we lose our energy as we age…

Well, you do not have to…

Now should you listen listen to your body more and slow down to take time for you?


How I Have More Energy In My 50’s, Than In My 20’s

For me, I was more exhausted in my 20’s than I am now (and I am close to my 50’s).

I used to crash at the end of the day in my 20’s!

Yes, I had to take a nap before going out with friends, and I couldn’t function without an afternoon nap.

I never was like this growing up, but all my bad habits caught up with me.

I was so tired, had no energy, and thought that is what just happens when you start working a real job.

I had been in school for 10 years collecting 3 different degrees.

So I did not start working a real job until my late 20s.

That was the excuse I gave myself for reasons as to why I was constantly tired.

Have No Energy? It’s A Common Problem

It is a common occurrence that we all feel for so many different reasons, and we all think that it is just what happens as we age or will create a story around it to give ourselves as a reason for our reduced energy levels.

You go to a doctor, and they can not find anything wrong as your blood work is looking okay.

They do not give you any answers and give you the blanket reason that it is because of your age.

So why does this happen and what can you do?

Well, I was wrong with my thoughts on my job was creating my fatigue…

I had to make changes to my lifestyle (aka changing my diet, my mindset around things, exercising, etc) and my energy levels picked back up.

You’re always tired because you’re doing things that suppress your natural energy levels, and leave you feeling low.

I noticed I had sustained energy levels throughout the day and I no longer was crashing at the end of the day.

I could go out to eat with friends and no longer needed my naps at the end of the day.

And bonus!!

My sinus infections and allergies went away too!

My recovery from workouts improved as well.

Over the last 15 years on my health journey and learning, I have come up with some of the most important tips that I use daily to help me keep my energy levels consistent and up.

Many people know me as the energizer bunny, but I have to do things for myself to keep my energy levels up, and I am a much happier person when I do.

Top 4 Tips To Stop Being Constantly Tired And Increase Energy

1. Reduce Your Stress If You Are Always Tired

Stress is important – It’s how you grow.

Just like you have to stress our muscles to make them grow, the same goes for our body.

But when you have too much stress and it became chronic because you’re no longer listening to your body, then that is how you get injuries such as stress fractures or tendonitis.

The body cannot take the stress anymore and you get an injury.

The same thing goes for everyday stress that becomes chronic.

That stress will start to bring your energy levels down and it will keep them down.

Have you been feeling lately that you can not concentrate and you’re exhausted in the morning?

If you do not deal with the stress or change your mindset around this stress, it’s likely to get worse.

Personally, I had to do several things – I had to change my environment and I had to also change my mindset on how I viewed stress.

I had to let go of things I could not control.

I did not need to put energy into anything I could not control.

Which in turn has made me a much happier person and able to take life’s punches that come my way.

I always try to look at the positive and find ways how I can learn from each situation.

2. Lighten Your Load If You Feel Overwhelmed

I know as a woman, we take on everything and think we can continue to add more things because we are superwomen.

But at some point, it just gets to be too much and we become fatigued.

You cannot do everything.

At some point you have to start delegating or letting things go that do not serve you.

It may not be perfect when you delegate it, but you have to let others fail and learn in the process.

If you micromanage you are just going to be frustrated and will think it is easier to do it yourself.

But as I said before, you cannot do everything yourself.

At some point, there is not enough time in the day..

Other tips for getting more done while keeping your energy levels is to time block 2-3 hours and do the same activity – do not switch from one activity and then do a different one and switch back to a different activity.

Moving your brain back and forth (multi-tasking) is actually draining more of your energy.

So, time block similar tasks together and you will be amazed at the increased energy levels and how much more you can get done.

3. Exercise Even If You Have No Energy

If you have no energy all the time, you might find it hard to exercise, and when you start you’ll notice that you may get more fatigued initially.

But as you are consistent, you will GAIN energy.

The stronger your muscles are the more efficient you will be in your everyday activities.

We see this all the time with our clients who start our Pilates program.

They are doing more and more activities with more energy than they had before they started Pilates.

Exercise also stimulates the brain.

You may notice you might get our best ideas out for a walk or after a bike ride.

And this is especially true for anyone that is ADD or ADHD.

4. Eat For Energy And To Feel Great

Have you ever eaten a meal and you want to take a nap after the meal?

But you have other meals that do not affect you that way and feel good all day long?

It comes down to eating plants.

They have all the vitamins and minerals and phytonutrients that help our body heal, recovery and gain energy.

There is a lot of buzz around gut health.

The good bacteria in our gut needs to be fed.

Guess what the only thing they eat to build them up?

You got it.


Meat and processed foods suppress our good bacteria.

Now I am not saying you have to be a vegan or vegetarian, but you do need to make most of your plate based on plants.

Smoothies are also a great way to get more plants into your body without your body having to do much work in getting the nutrients into your body.

Smoothies already have the food broken down, so your body does not have to work hard to process it, therefore helping your body work at getting rid of other toxins and giving your more energy.

I try to do 1 smoothie per day to give my body rest.

Discover How To Eat Well, Have Energy And Enjoy Great Food That You Love

If you really want to learn more about why food is so important and why the media and the myths are going to lead you in the wrong direction…

Then email our team at info@mpower-pt.com or call us on (214) 538-2559 and ask for our recorded event with Dr. Jayshri Chasmawala on How to Boost Your Immune System

If you’re feeling lethargic, suffering from stiff joints and sore muscles, and want to make more of your life, this FREE recording is a great place to start!

Want To Stop Asking Yourself “Why Am I Always Tired?” – We Can Help

Right now, at our Dallas clinic, there is a limited number of Free Whole Body Overhaul appointments which means you can speak to an expert, and learn about how to live a life filled with energy and happiness,  without pills, pains, and injuries that you want to avoid!

You can arrange a Free Whole Body Overhaul by completing our simple webform or calling us on (214) 538-2559.

More Help To Stay Active, Mobile And Out Of Pain

Listen to one of our Podcasts such as One thing that Healthcare Providers MISS that Keeps you in Pain!

Or read one of our Blogs such as My Top 4 Tips to Keep Your Hormones Balanced and Symptom Free as You Age

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