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Shoulder Pain

Understanding the Connection: The Impact of Neck and Shoulder Pain on Headaches

Headaches: the dreaded pulsating, pounding, aching sensation in your head that impacts everything from concentration to quality of life.  For 40-50% of the population, headaches are a common occurrence experienced by individuals of all ages and backgrounds.1  But have you ever considered that your headaches may actually be stemming from your neck and shoulders?  Follow […]

Understanding the Connection: The Impact of Neck and Shoulder Pain on Headaches Read More »

Elderly Woman With Chronic Knee Pain

Can You Cure Chronic Pain With Shockwave Therapy?

Chronic pain affects lots of people in Dallas, and we have visitors to our clinic who’ve often suffered for decades. And over these years of struggling with arthritis, chronic back pain, plantar fasciitis, and a variety of other conditions, they feel like they’ve tried EVERYTHING! But a lot of chronic pain sufferers are unaware of

Can You Cure Chronic Pain With Shockwave Therapy? Read More »

Exercise to relieve neck pain

Natural Pain Relief For Sore Muscles

Sore muscles after exercise, or a busier than usual weekend, can leave you aching, unable to move freely and relying on painkillers. Especially as you get older, and you can’t recover as quickly as you did 20 years ago! But with so much fear surrounding painkillers, we speak to lots of people who come to

Natural Pain Relief For Sore Muscles Read More »

Elderly Woman With Stiff Joints

Treatment For Stiff Joints In The Morning And After Sitting

Joint stiffness is just a part of getting old, right? Wrong! Stiff joints in the morning and after sitting don’t have to be a daily struggle, and there are several natural treatment strategies that we share in this blog. We understand how much joint pain and reduced mobility can impact your life – making it

Treatment For Stiff Joints In The Morning And After Sitting Read More »

Neck Pain Treatment University Park

How To Relieve Neck And Shoulder Pain Without Painkillers

We had a client with neck and shoulder pain, and like many of our clients who went to see other healthcare providers including other physical therapists, chiropractors and doctors, they were frustrated with the care. They have been dealing with neck and shoulder pain for years with no lasting help and were desperate to discover

How To Relieve Neck And Shoulder Pain Without Painkillers Read More »

Neck Pain Treatment in Dallas, Texas

Are You Suffering From Headaches? Frustrated That Nothing Is Working?

“I’ve had headaches for the last year. Soft tissue work helps a bit but the pain returns soon after I stop. I have tried PT and Chiropractic help, but nothing is working..” Said a frustrated Tom (age 32) who lives in Dallas, who started to have headaches and nerve pain in his head after doing

Are You Suffering From Headaches? Frustrated That Nothing Is Working? Read More »

Physical Therapy Treatment for Shoulder Pain Dallas

When Treatment Does Not Work for your Shoulder Pain…Should I have Surgery or Injections?

This is all too common in our healthcare system. Patients try everything and nothing works. This story is about Sarah, one of our past patients who has pain in her shoulder. It hurts to move her shoulder. She has difficulty raising her arm up above her head and to the side. (You do may or

When Treatment Does Not Work for your Shoulder Pain…Should I have Surgery or Injections? Read More »

Shoulder Pain Physical Therapist Dallas

How a Patient was able to AVOID a ROTATOR CUFF Surgery… Even after having the Surgery Scheduled!

I can not tell you how many patients we get into our office that had a shoulder pain and their symptoms were coming from their neck. We have had patients who had rotator cuff surgeries without results and hurting even worse for years who got better coming into our office. To patients that had rotator cuff

How a Patient was able to AVOID a ROTATOR CUFF Surgery… Even after having the Surgery Scheduled! Read More »