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Stefani Crowley

Live Boldly After 50: How to Overcome Arthritis Pain and Stay Moving

The “golden years” represent a time of life that should be filled with new adventures, experiences, and the freedom to enjoy the activities you love. But for many, stiff joints and arthritic pain get in the way of living life to the fullest beyond age 50. Maybe your goal is to travel the world, dedicate […]

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Unlocking the Power of CBD: How It Enhances Physical Therapy for Knee Pain Relief

Knee pain is one of the leading causes of chronic pain impacting daily function, mobility, and overall quality of life. 2nd only to back pain, knee pain is a top musculoskeletal complaint driving healthcare utilization costs and associated disability. Resulting from a wide range of ailments from arthritis to traumatic injuries to poor mechanics, knee

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Understanding the Connection: The Impact of Neck and Shoulder Pain on Headaches

Headaches: the dreaded pulsating, pounding, aching sensation in your head that impacts everything from concentration to quality of life.  For 40-50% of the population, headaches are a common occurrence experienced by individuals of all ages and backgrounds.1  But have you ever considered that your headaches may actually be stemming from your neck and shoulders?  Follow

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Decoding Back Pain: Is It Arthritis or Something Else

You’re 4 weeks into another “back pain episode” after throwing out your back while bending over to put on socks.  You see your primary care physician who refers you to a spinal orthopedic who takes an x-ray and sees some arthritic changes on your imaging.  You’re given a script for some anti-inflammatories, educated on the

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Is Back Stenosis Really the Cause of My Pain? Or is it Something Else?

If you’re grappling with chronic back pain, you might have heard the term “stenosis” during your medical consultations. It’s a common diagnosis for many, especially as we age. But what if I told you that in my 24 years of practice, I’ve encountered only one true case of stenosis? Surprising, isn’t it? Let’s delve deeper

Is Back Stenosis Really the Cause of My Pain? Or is it Something Else? Read More »

Why Kegels Could Be Making Your Leaking Worse!

Oh, Kegels- the magical exercise that can be done anywhere without anyone knowing… but are these pelvic floor contractions really as magical as they’re made out to be?  If you google the best exercise for urinary incontinence, Kegels, the long-touted go-to solution for pelvic floor health, populates in just about every first-page result.  While Kegels

Why Kegels Could Be Making Your Leaking Worse! Read More »

A woman suffering from pelvic floor dysfunction.

The Best Exercises To Strengthen Pelvic Floor And Get Back To Being Active

Are you tired of feeling helpless, trying various treatments, and longing to return to your favorite activities? I understand how you feel. It’s difficult to enjoy your daily life when you’re in constant pain or worried that you’ll leak whenever you go out. You shouldn’t have to live a life full of limitations. Pelvic floor

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Proven Strategies for A Healthier Back and Pelvic Floor

For many, back pain and pelvic floor troubles are not just physical obstacles but challenges that govern their daily life. These issues aren’t just about the pain itself. They can impact the joy of playing a sport, impede a friendly gathering after a game, or even disrupt one’s ability to plan during the week. The

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Hitting Pain from All Angles: The Hope in Bobbi’s Story

Can you remember the last time you felt truly pain-free? The days when you could dance, laugh, and embrace life without that nagging discomfort or pain pulling you back? For many of you, your life has become filled with pills, injections, and sometimes surgeries that promised relief but delivered little. I’ve seen this struggle, I’ve

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Taking a Holistic Approach to Pain: Why mPower Physical Therapy is the Solution

Living with pain is one of the most challenging experiences that anyone can endure. Pain can come in many forms, whether it is physical or emotional, and it can be caused by a variety of factors. Unfortunately, many healthcare providers tend to rely on quick-fix solutions such as surgery, injections, and medications instead of addressing

Taking a Holistic Approach to Pain: Why mPower Physical Therapy is the Solution Read More »