Everything Chronic Back Pain Sufferers Need To Know About CBD

Are you a chronic back pain sufferer who has tried everything to alleviate your pain from quick tips to extensive exercise routines, only to find that nothing works for you?

In and out of the doctor’s office with little to no comfort other than some painkillers and a prescription to rest. The mainstream healthcare system will have you believe that your only option is injections or surgery if you truly want to rid yourself of pain and discomfort.

But injections can be incredibly painful and who wants to sub out one pain for another? They also rarely have the results you would expect.

And surgery only leads to more complications in the future. Not only will you be stuck in a hospital with long recovery times and even more medications, surgery often leads to further surgeries and potentially sooner than you might think!

We understand that millions of people would rather try alternative out-of-the-box treatments before resorting to surgery and that’s why we see so many patients come into our clinic to try alternative yet safe and effective treatments. Including CBD.

However, in the clinic, we have discovered there are many misconceptions or lack of understanding about what CBD is and what it can be used for. That’s why we have created this blog to highlight the most common questions around CBD and give you the opportunity to understand this treatment and how effective it can be for your chronic pain!

What Is CBD?

Firstly it is important to understand on a scientific level, what is CBD.

CBD is a naturally occurring compound in the cannabis plant. Unlike THC, another well-known compound of the plant, CBD does not produce the psychoactive effect commonly associated with cannabis use.

Does CBD Make You High?

CBD does not make you high. The psychoactive effect of cannabis is caused by the compound THC, whereas CBD does not produce this effect.

The effect of CBD is only beneficial to you as a form of muscle relaxant and or stress relaxant. Perfect for those with back pain.

Is CBD A Drug?

CBD is not considered a drug by the FDA, but rather a dietary supplement. This means that it is not regulated as a drug, but rather as a food supplement.

So don’t worry, you won’t be arrested at a traffic stop because you have CBD n your possession.

Does CBD Show Up On A Drug Test?

While CBD itself does not show up on most drug tests, some CBD products may contain trace amounts of THC. This means that those taking CBD should be cautious when it comes to drug testing as it is possible to test positive.

That’s why it is important to take care in choosing your CBD products and always opt for a quality source of CBD.

In our clinic, we work with leading cannabis expert Summer Hanson, owner of CBD House of Healing, to ensure the highest quality product and make sure our information regarding CBD is factual and up to date. So much so that we are working with Summer on Wednesday the 23rd of August at 5:30 PM to offer a FREE special event all about CBD and back pain relief.

If you are interested click HERE to save a seat and learn more about this rapidly growing treatment. There are limited spaces, and we expect this to fill up VERY quickly so if you are desperate to end your back pain, and wondering whether CBD can help, this is perfect for you.

Is CBD Addictive?

CBD is not addictive. Unlike THC, which has the potential to be addictive, CBD is not habit-forming.

Meaning you can take CBD as often or as rarely as you like to treat your back pain.

Is CBD Legal in Texas?

CBD is legal in Texas, but there are restrictions. CBD must contain less than 0.3% THC and must be derived from hemp rather than marijuana.

This is why it is so important to make sure your CBD products are of the highest quality, to learn more attend our upcoming event.

Is CBD Bad for You?

CBD has been shown to be safe for most individuals. However, it is important to note that more information about CBD comes out daily as we learn about it’s wide range of benefits.

Any risk related with CBD is low, and much lower than the risks of injections or surgery. Paired with an specialized physical therapy routine, CBD has the potential to be a game changer as a form of treatment for back pain sufferers.

If you are interested in starting physical therapy, there is no better place to start than our Free Discovery Visit. You will get the opportunity to meet our expert team and receive the answers to any of the questions you have regarding physical therapy. Discover the power of a CBD & physical therapy treatment.

Does CBD Make You Hungry?

CBD has been shown to have an effect on appetite, but it typically does not increase hunger. In fact, some studies suggest that CBD may actually have the opposite effect and decrease appetite.

So don’t worry you wont find yourself with midnight munchies before bed.

Does CBD Make You Drowsy?

Some individuals may experience drowsiness when taking CBD, but not all. This effect is typically mild and varies from person to person.

It is important to contextualize this drowsiness, again in comparison to how you feel after strong pain medication or injections, the CBD effect is low and paired with the high you will experience from reduced back pain you will find yourself more alert and ready for the day than ever.

Is CBD Safe?

Yes, CBD has been shown to be safe when taken in appropriate doses.

Not only is CBD safe but it also has been proven to be a highly effective treatment for back pain when paired with a physical therapy routine personalized by an expert.

Is CBD Good For You?

CBD has been shown to have numerous therapeutic properties that can provide relief for chronic pain, anxiety, and other conditions. However, it is essential to choose high-quality products from reputable sources.

Once you have your hands on a high quality CBD product the results can not only be good for you but life changing. CBD might just be the miracle treatment you have been searching for.

Does CBD Help With Sleep?

CBD can have a calming effect that may help promote sleep. It has been shown to help reduce insomnia and other sleep disorders.

Meaning you wake up feeling refreshed and ready for the day ahead, something we know you struggle with when dealing with back pain. That’s why so many people come into our clinic to find out more about the treatment their doctors won’t tell them about.

Does CBD Help With Anxiety?

CBD has been shown to have anxiolytic properties, which can help reduce anxiety levels. It works by interacting with the body’s endocannabinoid system, which regulates mood and stress levels.

So if your stress relates to your back pain or perhaps you find yourself overstressing in general, CBD could be the answer.

Does CBD Help With Aches and Pains?

CBD has been shown to have numbing properties, making it an effective pain reliever for chronic pain sufferers.

Haven’t you heard enough back pain sufferers? A better question at this point would be what can’t CBD treat?

When Should I Try CBD?


CBD can be extremely helpful for chronic back pain sufferers when you have tried countless traditional treatments without success.

CBD has gained a lot of attention in recent years for its therapeutic properties. For chronic back pain sufferers, it is a perfect option for relief. This natural compound is safe, non-addictive, and not associated with the mind-altering effects of marijuana, so what are you waiting for?

With high-quality products from reputable sources and the guidance of a healthcare provider, CBD can be the solution to your chronic pain. To discuss CBD with a professional and receive personalized advice on dosage and its effects, there is no better opportunity than our FREE CBD and Back Pain Relief Event on Wednesday the 23rd of August at 5:30 PM, make sure to mark your calendar.

With leading experts in their field, physical therapist Stefani Crowley and owner of CBD House of Healing Summer Hanson this will be an event to remember. Filled with information and discussion regarding CBD and the multiple benefits it’s had for others and can have for YOU!

Simply click the link below to get involved in this event and try the treatment all of our chronic back pain patients can’t get enough of!

Click HERE To Save Your Seat!

If you would like to learn more before signing up for the event, you can arrange a Free Telephone consultation and have all of your worries addressed before the big night on Wednesday the 23rd of August.

Don’t let your hesitation get in the way of this safe and effective treatment, you’ve suffered enough!

Additional Expert Advice To Alleviate Your Back Pain!

Visit our mPower Physical Therapy YouTube Channel and watch our expert videos such as 5 Mistakes That Lead To Chronic Recurring Back Pain

Read our expert blogs such as How To Get Natural Back Pain Relief FAST

Or listen to our popular Podcast such as Going from Chronic Back Pain to Pain Free using Shockwave Therapy

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