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Learn about what Doctors do NOT know about solving Hip Pain!

Have you ever wondered why there are not many doctors that treat hip pain? It is because they never have many successful surgeries, so they just do not do them!

Why is this? It is because there are so many sources that can create hip pain… In this country we like to treat the symptoms…

Oh I have piriformis syndrome, bursitis, labral tear or a recent diagnosis I just heard…. I tore my glut muscle… REALLY?? That is a new one…  Especially when I am not sure what I did to hurt myself…

If you are not sure where the source is coming from and you just MRI that area you will find something… You will find swelling around parts of the hip, or a labral tear or worse nothing… Then they really do not know what to do… You then are told let’s do an injection to get rid of the swelling and that will help… Or worse let’s do surgery…


Probably not… So, you try Massage, and this helps, but does not get you all the way back… You try strengthening but for some reason your strength stays the same… You have a hard time activating the muscles like the other side.

You have tried so many health care providers… Some that tell you your SI joint is the problem and you get manipulated and fell better but the pain returns soon after…

The first thing we need to do is find the source of the problem. I always start with the back to rule that out. The back always can be a source of pain and refer into the hip.  Once we rule this out then we start looking at the mobility in the hip… This is always a problem because we always are bending (sitting, squatting, gardening, biking, walking… you see the common pattern we move the joint in??)

You see the muscle tension is a symptom… The swelling is a symptom… The labral tear you find on the MRI is not always the problem…

I know you have heard me say this before… But even normal people will show labral tears in the hip!!

It is frustrating because hip pain is so annoying. It is like a pain that you feel like if you could just stretch it you would get better. You can feel it with sitting (sometimes wanting to sit on lacrosse ball) or lying down sleeping and you cannot find a good position. Sometimes walking and running will be a problem. Pain can be in the hip flexor, IT band, hamstring, or glut. It all depends on how you present with your compensation patterns due to the injury. Sometimes if you step wrong and you will literally feel like you are about to fall due to the pain. It varies widely…  It can be a little annoyance that you can tolerate to debilitating pain.  

Once we get the mobility back in the hip and find that the hip is the problem… Then we must ask why is this happening? Now is the time we must work on movement habits. If you do not have the mobility, then you will not get the stability… And that is the movement habits that we now need to address. We see common patterns with the hip, but it takes an evaluation to figure out what that is for you…

Wanting to learn more about your hip or back? To see if we can help?? At mPower Physical Therapy in Dallas, we have a couple of options for you to learn more that is FREE!! That is right! FREE… You have nothing to lose except your PAIN!!

You can either come to our next Virtual Event happening in AUG! You can view this from the comforts of your home… You can ask the experts questions after the interactive presentation (if you missed the event, we will record it and it will be on our youtube channel.  CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP for our next talk. Even if you cannot come, we can get you the recording of this event!


You can talk to one of our HIP SPECIALISTS for free. We have opened up a few spots a week where you can sit down (either in person or over the phone) to talk to our specialist for 20-30 min for FREE to help you make a more informed decision about your health!! CLICK HERE to claim your spot with a hip specialist!

Either way we are here to be a resource to you… To HELP YOU make a more informed decision about your health. We have helped thousands of people avoid surgery, medications and get back to living their live again.
