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Taking a Holistic Approach to Pain: Why mPower Physical Therapy is the Solution

Living with pain is one of the most challenging experiences that anyone can endure. Pain can come in many forms, whether it is physical or emotional, and it can be caused by a variety of factors.

Unfortunately, many healthcare providers tend to rely on quick-fix solutions such as surgery, injections, and medications instead of addressing the root cause of the problem. That’s why, at mPower Physical Therapy, our expert team takes a different approach.

We believe in tackling pain head-on using a holistic approach that avoids invasive treatments and provides real relief for our patients.

In this blog post, we delve into the various pain points and how a holistic approach can make a significant difference in your life.

The Major Benefit Of A More Holistic Approach

In our fast-paced world, it’s all too common for individuals to experience various pain points that impact their quality of life. Too often, you find yourself seeking quick fixes in the form of painkillers and injections. While these might provide temporary relief, they often mask the symptoms without addressing the root causes, leading you down a slippery slope of dependency and potential side effects.

However, there’s a better way to address these concerns: a holistic approach to pain management.

This approach doesn’t just focus on the physical symptoms; it considers the entire person, including their mental and emotional wellness, lifestyle, and even nutrition.

By taking into account all these different factors, a holistic approach allows you to understand the source of your pain better and develop personalized strategies to manage it effectively. It empowers you to take control of your health, understand where your pain may be coming from, and make informed decisions about your treatment options.

In the long run, this comprehensive strategy can lead to more sustainable pain relief and a better understanding of your body, helping you regain hope and get back to living life to its fullest. That is why so many people choose mPower Physical Therapy as their go-to place for pain relief.

Do I Have Mechanical Pain or Chemical Pain?

Pain can be triggered by any number of physical issues, including muscle strains and sprains, joint damage, or nerve damage. In some cases, pain is referred, meaning that it is felt in another part of the body away from the source of the problem.

This type of pain is often caused by mechanical issues, such as spinal misalignment or muscle imbalances.

Chemical pain, on the other hand, is caused by inflammation in the body. While medications can offer temporary relief from chemical pain, they do little to remedy the root cause of the issue.

At mPower Physical Therapy, our approach to pain management involves a comprehensive evaluation of your body’s mechanics, coupled with a deep understanding of your lifestyle, to identify and treat the source of your pain.

Emotional Pain vs Physical Pain

Pain can also be triggered by emotional stress factors. These stress factors can lead to muscle tension, trigger point formation, reduced circulation, and decreased flexibility. Our holistic approach to pain management addresses the emotional pain that patients experience through alternative methods such as acupuncture, meditation, and relaxation techniques.

Living with constant pain can take a significant toll on your mental and emotional well-being.

Pain can interfere with your sleep, cause anxiety, and trigger bouts of depression. It can also impact other areas of your life, such as your relationships, work, and hobbies. At mPower Physical Therapy, we understand the cost to your overall well-being that comes with chronic pain.

We work with our patients to develop individualized care plans that prioritize their overall health and provide lasting relief.

The Most Powerful Resource For Every Pain Point

If you’re tired of living with chronic pain and seeking a lasting solution, then mPower Physical Therapy is here to help.

Join Stefani Crowley, the brilliant mind behind mPower Physical Therapy, as she introduces her groundbreaking new book “Regaining Hope: The Secret Guide to Hitting Pain from All Angles to Get Back to Living Life!” at a special Book Signing Party on Tuesday, September 19th, from 5:30-7:30 PM.

The event will be held at mPower Physical Therapy (1130 Beachview St, Ste 110, Dallas TX 75218). Expect an evening full of fun, food, wine, and insightful conversations about navigating our healthcare system and understanding pain.

Stefani has poured her expertise and personal experiences into this book, creating a guide that helps you understand where your pain may be coming from and empowering you to take control of your health.

As a bonus, the first 20 attendees will receive a FREE copy of the book, and all guests can enjoy a FREE shockwave treatment card and foot scans at the event.

And if that wasn’t enough bring a friend along and get entered to win 3 PT visits!

Help us ensure we have enough treats for everyone by signing up below to save your spot. We can’t wait to see you there, click the link below:

“Regaining Hope: The Secret Guide to Hitting Pain from All Angles to Get Back to Living Life!”

Additional Holistic Treatments For Your Pain!

Visit our mPower Physical Therapy YouTube Channel and watch our expert videos such as Origin Story: Our Story and How Healthcare is Going Down the Wrong Path.

Listen to our popular Podcast such as 10 Simple Lifestyle Tips to Help You Feeling and Look 10 years Younger.

Read our expert blogs such as Busting Myths Around Back Pain Relief and It’s Treatments.

Follow us on social media – Facebook, Instagram and YouTube
