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How Pilates can improve Running Performance

Actually,  how it can improve all performance. Whether you are looking to improve running, swimming, or just walking around the block. Pilates has been shown to improve your performance from the lowest level to the highest level client. But today I want to talk about Runners!!

I often get athletes (weekend warriors to competitive athletes who play soccer, swim, run, cycle, etc) who come into my office when they get injured. They come out of the injury,  hitting a Personal Record. After we get to the source of the problem, we often work on core strength to progress the client back to their full training schedule. Because we know their specific weakness and we work on lower and upper body, they often come back and tell us their training and performance improved.

Why does this happen? It is because of the core strength. We often forget about the small stabilizing muscles. Most of the time whether you are a weekend warrior, or you train more competitively, you tend to compensate. With a proper evaluation we know exactly what you need to work on..

A recent study published showed how Pilates and core strengthening improved Running performance. In this study, they took 32 runners and split them up to a control group and Pilates group. Without boring you with the details, the Pilates group not only improved in their performance, but their metabolic cost improved as well.

What does all this mean? Well Metabolic cost is amount of oxygen consumed to travel a certain distance. Meaning the Pilates group could use the same amount of oxygen but have better performance.

How does this translate to you!!

Well if you are an endurance athlete you are more efficient which can translate to having less nagging injuries due not having to work as hard for a great performance. It also means your performance will improve!

If you just want to walk to be able to go on vacation, the same thing happens to you as well. We have had a recent patient who is on her 4th Pilates session and she already states she feels like she is standing taller and moving around with much great ease. She is excited to see how her mobility improves to keep her active over the next month!!

If you are interested in our Pilates 101 Program to improve your performance, we will work with you on a one on one basis to meet your individual needs. We do a FREE TASTER SESSION to give you a taste of how to use the Pilates reformer and how it is unique to improving your imbalances in your body. Email (info@mpower-pt.com) or call (214-538-2559) to get your FREE TASTER SESSION today..

We have limited spots each week, so do not delay in getting yours scheduled!!
