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Have you or a loved one recently been diagnosed with TMJ?

A diagnosis can be a scary thing.

Especially when you have a lot of information dumped on you with little to no time to process.

Most doctors rush you through the door with no room for questions or follow-ups.

TMJ is a commonly misunderstood disorder.

In this blog, you can get answers to some of the most common questions regarding TMJ and how to fix TMJ for good.

What is TMJ?

The temporomandibular joint or TMJ for short is a complex joint that connects the jawbone to the skull and plays a major role in basic facial movements.

It enables us to open our mouths, chew, speak, and swallow.

When this joint doesn’t function properly, it can cause a wide range of symptoms including headaches, pain when chewing, and difficulty opening and closing your mouth.

Our team at mPower Physical Therapy has treated thousands of these conditions over the years!

What Causes TMJ?

The most common cause of TMJ pain is misalignment of the jaw or teeth.

Other causes of TMJ include trauma from an accident, stress, grinding your teeth, gum chewing, poor posture, and even genetics to name a few.

Women are also more likely to develop TMJ disorders due to their estrogen levels.

What Are The Symptoms Of TMJ?

For a more in-depth look at the warning signs/symptoms of TMJ, check out our blog – How To Treat TMJ And The Warning Signs To Look For

The symptoms of TMJ disorder can vary from person to person. Generally, people with the condition experience pain in their jaw, limiting their movement.

Common symptoms include:

  • Pain or tenderness around your jaw, ear or temples
  • A clicking sound when you open and close your mouth
  • Difficulty chewing
  • Facial pain or swelling near your jaws
  • Locking of your jaw
  • Earache or ringing in the ears
  • Headaches
  • Neck aches

If you’re suffering with any of these TMJ symptoms, we recommend contacting our clinic to arrange a Free Discovery Visit. We will be able to determine the root cause of your pain and set you up on the road to recovery.

How Long Does TMJ Last?

TMJ can last for several weeks, months or even years if it is not treated properly.

As you can see from above, not all TMJ symptoms are jaw related, making this an extremely difficult disorder to live with.

It also means you are more likely to misdiagnose the condition leading to the wrong from of treatment and a longer suffering period.

How To Fix TMJ For Good?

Choosing the best course of treatment is essential for permanently fixing your TMJ.

The key is to find the right treatment for the root cause of your TMJ disorder, while also address the immediate pain you’re feeling in your ears, face and neck, etc.

Our Physical Therapists can perform an examination to assess the extent of your TMJ disorder and suggest treatments designed to alleviate any discomfort.

By far the best way to get started on treating your TMJ is with our Free Discovery Visit. You will get 1 on 1 time with one of our experts to address any of your concerns and most importantly feel heard.

To arrange yours, click the link below or call us on 214-538-3559 act fast as we only have a limited number of appointments available!

Fix Your TMJ Now With Physical Therapy

Other Helpful Links To Enjoy A Life Pain-Free

Visit our mPower Physical Therapy YouTube Channel and watch our expert videos such as 5 Mistakes That Lead To Chronic Recurring Back Pain.

Read our expert blogs such as How To Pick Out The Best Pillow For Neck Pain

Or listen to our popular Podcast such as The Jaw And Teeth And Their Relationship With Your Health

Follow us on social media – Facebook, Instagram and YouTube
