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Natural Pain Relief For Sore Muscles

Sore muscles after exercise, or a busier than usual weekend, can leave you aching, unable to move freely and relying on painkillers.

Especially as you get older, and you can’t recover as quickly as you did 20 years ago!

But with so much fear surrounding painkillers, we speak to lots of people who come to us wanting natural, drug-free muscle pain relief.

And we understand why – medication can be addictive or come with nasty side effect so getting long term pain relief for muscle pain without pills is something that is an increasingly popular topic.

In this blog, our team share the best pain relievers for muscle pain so you can enjoy an active life without worrying about aches and pains.

What Causes Sore Muscles?

Recently, a lady in her late 50s visited us suffering with sore muscles and was worried that she had done some serious damage after waking up in a lot of pain.

After chatting, the lady explained that she’d been trying to lose weight and just started exercising with her friend at a fitness class.

Unfortunately, the class she attended was too challenging, and after taking the “no pain, no gain” mentality, the lady was now struggling with a lot of muscle pain.

This is quite a common scenario; muscle pain after exercising, which is a common cause of sore muscles.

But doing too much too soon in the gym or on a run isn’t the only time you can overdo things.

It can be a busy weekend looking after the grandchildren.

A day tidying the house before the family visit for the holidays.

Anything that is way beyond your normal activity levels can lead to muscle soreness.

Now, in the short term, a little muscle soreness is to be expected, but it should fade within a few days and you should be able to either avoid it happening in future, or help sore muscles with the advice in the next sections.

If you’re still suffering with pain in your muscles after a week, this may be a sign you’ve injured yourself and done something more serious – to get help with natural pain relief, and recover from sore muscles, find out how we can help by arranging a free discovery visit by completing our simple webform or calling us on (214) 538-2559.

How To Help Sore Muscles

Sore muscles after exercise, or a hectic weekend can often be relieved with simple, at-home strategies such as ice and heat therapy, gentle stretching, and the right level of activity.

Ice Packs For Natural Muscle Pain Relief

Ice packs are a natural way to relieve muscle pain and can reduce inflammation.

Simply apply an ice pack to the sore muscles for up to 20 minutes at a time, and use throughout the day.

Heat Therapy For Natural Muscle Pain Relief

Heat therapy helps recover by improving circulation and increasing blood flow to the area.

This increased circulation speeds up recovery so you can get back to normal sooner.

Gentle Stretching Helps Sore Muscles

When your muscles are aching, the last thing you probably want to do is stretch them but this is actually a really effective way to relieve pain.

The important thing is to do gentle stretching.

Keep Active

Similar to gentle stretching, keeping active works in a similar way.

Movement helps keep joints and muscles loose.

Whilst it’s sensible to ease up for a few days, it’s also important to not stop entirely.

All this will do is leave you feeling stiffer, and more pain when you have to move so try to keep active when you’ve got sore muscles.

Try to move every hour.

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is the most effective natural pain reliever for muscle pain as it helps accelerate recovery, reduce tension in tight muscles, and loosen stiff joints.

Massage also has psychologically benefits and reducing stress can also tie into relieving muscle tightness long term too.

Think about how your body responds to stressful situations – you breathe shallower and faster, your shoulders rise up, and tension can show up all over your body.

Massage can address the physical muscle pain, whilst also helping to relieve a big contributor to muscle tension for many – stress!

To find out whether you could benefit from massage therapy, arrange a free discovery visit and or call us on (214) 538-2559.

Long Term Muscle Pain Relief Without Painkillers

In our Dallas clinic, our team can help you with a wide range of muscle problems (including back, knee, neck and shoulder) by providing natural pain relief and a long term recovery strategy so you are able to stay active, and enjoy doing the things you love without pain!

To get started, you can arrange one of our limited number of Free Discovery Visits where you can speak to a member of our team, discover what treatment options are available for you, and learn how to overcome niggling aches and pains!

Simply call us on (214) 538-2559 or complete our simple webform (it only takes 30 seconds).

Know Someone Struggling With Muscle Pain?

How would you like to win a massive $1,000 gift, or 5 free PT visits to help you with your own aches and pains?

Simply refer them for a free discovery visit and if they decide to get treatment with us, we will enter your name into the prize draw.

For full details, speak to our team in clinic or call us on (214) 538-2559.

Other Helpful Resources To Help You End Muscle Pain

Download one of our free reports packed with proven tips to overcome common aches and pains naturally – Free Back Pain Report, Free Knee Pain Report, Free Neck and Shoulder Report, Free Jaw (TMJ) Pain Report

Listen to one of our Podcasts such as Back Pain Treatments to Avoid- Don’t Make These Major Mistakes | Episode 63 or How to Make Knee Arthritis Go Away | Episode 55

Or read one of our Blogs such as Treatment For Stiff Joints In The Morning And After Sitting or How To Relieve Neck And Shoulder Pain Without Painkillers

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